Spanish Rice (v2)

Spanish Rice

Serves 4-6 people

20 minutes


2 cups of uncooked rice

1 TBSP of olive oil

2 TBSP of Sofrito with Annatto

2 tsp of salt (or to taste)

1 tsp of pepper

2 Fresh Tomatoes (chopped into small pieces)

Corn from one corn cob (you can use one can of corn)

1 cup of peas (fresh, frozen or canned)


  1. Add olive oil and sofrito. Cook for 3 minutes and add chopped tomatoes. Stir and cook for another minute
  2. Add rice, 3 cups of water, salt, pepper, corn and peas
  3. Stir and bring to a boil on medium
  4. When boiling cover with a lid and lower the temperature to low.
  5. Rice should be ready in about 15 minutes, fluff with a fork.

This rice is delicious with some fresh hot italian sausage and mushrooms! Add the italian sausage to step 1 until cooked. You may omit the olive oil or reduce to 1 TSP to compensate for the oil in the sausage. Add mushrooms on Step 2.