What is Sofrito?
According to Wikipedia
a sauce used as a base in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Latin American cooking. Preparations may vary, but it typically consists of aromatic ingredients cut into small pieces and sauteed or braised in cooking oil.
According to Us
A delicious, all natural way to add fabulous flavour and a latin twist to all your foods without the hassle of prepping work.
Sofrito is an aromatic and savory, and has its origins in Spanish cuisine. It typically consists of onions sautéed in oil with ingredients like garlic, bell, hot and/or sweet peppers, tomatoes (in some variations), and herbs such as cilantro, coriander and oregano. Depending on the ingredient variation sofritos can be green or red and some are tangier (due to the use of vinegar or white wine).
This delicious and flavorful mixture can be used as a foundation for everything from stews and soups to rice or vegetable dishes. You can also use it to add some flair to your steaks, eggs or even eat it like salsa with some chips.
Spice Levels:
🌶️ = Slight Kick
🌶️🌶️ = Medium Spicy
🌶️🌶️🌶️ = Hot Spicy